Our products and solutions are recognized and certified to prevent and combat the consequences of air and surface pollution

The Bioxigen project, since its early development, was characterized by an ongoing improvement in terms of quality and many tests in various fields have proven its effectiveness. Nowadays Bioxigen is one of the few technologies that boasts certifications and validation of the results obtained by independent laboratories. All products are ‘Made in Italy’, designed and manufactured entirely in Italy.

Some items are delivered upon request with specific certifications such as TÜV SUD, UL, Ghost, etc.

Many results and experimental tests are not published because of confidentiality agreements, but you can ask for more information to our offices to have the best solution for your sanitizing needs.

Stand Alone – Tested against COVID-19

Bioxigen technology is tested against COVID-19.
This is proved by the results that were obtained in the Laboratory Lab Analysis Srl (Pavia-Italy) that defined Bioxigen as “effective against all enveloped viruses (including the coronaviruses such as SARS-Cov-2)”.Tests confirm the validity of our sanitization system, by proving that Bioxigen devices show an effective virucidal activity against COVID-19, with viral load reduction of more than the 99%.

Duct – Tested against COVID-19

Bioxigen technology is tested against COVID-19.
This is proved by the results that were obtained in the LaboratoryLab Analysis Srl(Pavia-Italy) that defined Bioxigen as “effective against all enveloped viruses (including the coronaviruses such as SARS-Cov-2)”.Tests confirm the validity of our sanitization system, by proving that Bioxigen devices show an effective virucidal activity against COVID-19, with viral load reduction of more than the 99%.

CE Marking

Products compliant with EU regulations.
Through a declaration of conformity or declaration of performance, the European Union declares that a construction product meets all the safety requirements of the applicable CE directives.


Quality Certification of product, also for applications in the medical field. Some product ranges have been selected for a periodic monitoring of the production quality and of the methods of work extensively used in processes.

University of Udine

Reduction of the microbial load in the air.
It is available in pdf format to the report of the Department of Food Science of University of Udine (Prof. Comi) in collaboration with the ASL 4 Medio Friuli is available in pdf format, this is related to the experiments performed to reduce the microbial load of the air confined in salt rooms, pre-curing and curing rooms for the production of San Daniele ham.

University of Padova
Department of Environmental Medicine

The scientific evidence of the effectiveness of Bioxigen.
The report on the microbicidal activity of the Bioxigen system, measured by the Institute of Hygiene and Public Health of the University of Padova (Prof. Moretti) and thanks to experiments made on different strains and to the measuring of the emission of ozone, showed a signficant reduction of the microbial content and a very low emission of ozone.


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2, due du Gabian
TÉL . : +33 630654797
matekinternationalsarl @ gmail.com

Sfera “lampadaire”

Original price was: €810.00.Current price is: €729.00. TTC

Sfera avec support dit “lampadaire”. Un ionisateur pour assainir avec style la qualité de l’air, grâce à un capteur intégré capable de réguler l’intensité d’ionisation dans l’environnement. Le capteur intérieur analyse en permanence la charge polluante et contrôle le débit d’air dans son mode de détection. Il peut fonctionner en mode manuel.

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Condensateur type B pour Globo

Original price was: €71.00.Current price is: €69.00. TTC

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Condensateur type B pour MAIA et SFERA

Original price was: €48.00.Current price is: €43.00. TTC

Description Globo

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Condensateur type A pour TRIS

Original price was: €21.00.Current price is: €19.00. TTC

Description Globo

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Sfera Black

Original price was: €594.00.Current price is: €535.00. TTC

Ce produit est élégamment conçu pour une désinfection efficace avec un accent particulier sur la qualité de l’air, grâce à des capteurs intégrés qui régulent l’intensité d’ionisation dans l’environnement. Les capteurs internes analysent en permanence les charges de contaminants et régulent le flux d’air en mode de détection automatique. Il peut fonctionner en mode manuel.

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Original price was: €594.00.Current price is: €535.00. TTC

Sfera a une design élégant et permet une désinfection parfite avec une attention particulière à la qualité de l’air grâce à un capteur intégré qui permet d’ajuster l’intensité d’ionisation dans l’environnement. Des capteurs internes analysent en permanence les niveaux de polluants et ajustent le débit d’air en mode de détection automatique. Cela fonctionne également en mode manuel.

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Original price was: €233.00.Current price is: €210.00. TTC

Ionisateur naturel fonctionnel, fiable et polyvalent, adapté à une utilisation dans n’importe quel environnement pour désinfecter différents volumes d’air en fonction des exigences de l’application. Spécialement développé pour purifier l’air et les surfaces. Il est livré avec une base de support, Maia a aussi la possibilité d’être monté au mur dans un environnement de travail.

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Tris noir

Original price was: €189.00.Current price is: €170.00. TTC

Le design compact et élégant. Tris purifie l’air de votre maison ou de votre bureau. LA solution pour traiter l’asthme, les allergies et améliorer la fonction respiratoire. Un petit appareil qui peut être utilisé dans la chambre.

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